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Systemy bilingowe

This function is used to calculate the cost of already settled billings according to other tariffs of other operators.

The tariff simulation process is performed to verify that the tariff used is the optimal for the types of calls made at given cost. It usually turns out that among the many operators and the variety of tariffs, there will be a tariff that will allow for significant savings.

This process runs on actual data, once the simulation is complete, we can run any report (for example, detailed or summary) that compares the current operator's call costs with the operator's call costs during the simulation. The new call cost calculated after performing the function is located in a separate call field and therefore does not affect actual cost changes.

When setting up definitions, choose the period for which the simulation is to be performed. In addition, current operator (tariff) for which we want to perform a cost comparison and the tariff to be used for the simulation (call cost conversion) can both be specified.

There may be many independent definitions, the function can work completely automatically.