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Systemy bilingowe

Functionality designed to proportionally divide real telecommunication costs (including subscription fee) between the lines/codes or organizational structure levels.

Function Operators invoice accounting allows for accounting real cost of telecommunication traffic summed with subscription fees proportional for every internal line (extension number) or levels of organizational structure (ex. cost-center).

Costs can be accounted proportional to costs registered by the system or in relation to the number of lines or organizational levels. The system allows for adding constant fees.

Prices are imported from an XLS file containing:

  • name of the operator;
  • accounting period;
  • net value of phone-calls;
  • net value of subscription fees and other constant fees;
  • name of organizational structure of internal lines;

The file can lie in any location available from the system's user account.

Accounting can be made according to one of the variants:

  • proportional substitution with no regard to the number of lines or levels;
  • adding fees to the internal line;
  • adding fees to the organizational level;

While adding fees to lines or levels there are some additional modes available:

  • proportional substitution of the cost with regard to number of lines/levels;
  • proportional substitution of the cost with regard to the cost generated by the line/level;
  • flat rate for every line/level;

For every accounting operation there is a set of options defining the operator, organizational structure the coefficients are calculated accord to, and the period the costs are accounted for. According to the parameters for the accounting, calculated cost replaces or is added up to the current cost of the call.

There can be many independent definitions of accounting, function can operate unattended.

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Screenshots [polish version only]: