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Systemy bilingowe

Functionality designed for the calculation of formerly tarrificated phone-calls according to other operators' plans.

The process of tariff (plan) simulation might be used in order to check if the current plan is optimal for the types of phone-calls made with respect to generated cost. The frequent case is among many plans of different operators there can be found a plan that allows for great savings.

This process takes its place on real, gathered data, after launching a simulation there is a possibility to create custom report (ex. detailed or summary) and compare the current operator with one selected during the simulation. The result of simulation is placed in a separate field of call record and does not alter the real cost. Plans prepared for the simulation can be downloaded from our download section and easily imported to the Kobi system.

During configuration of definitions there is an option to set the period for the simulation. Additionally an existing operator and plan can be set for the simulation and comparison of costs.

There can be many independent definitions of simulator, function can operate unattended.

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Screenshots [polish version only]: 

{slimbox images/stories/CentiNet/Kobi-FN-TS/Funkcje-TS-Glowne.png, images/stories/CentiNet/Kobi-FN-TS/Funkcje-TS-Glowne_s.png, Kobi additional functionality - Tariff simulator: Main form;images/stories/CentiNet/blank.jpg, images/stories/CentiNet/blank.jpg,;images/stories/CentiNet/Kobi-FN-TS/Funkcje-TS-Definicja.png, images/stories/CentiNet/Kobi-FN-TS/Funkcje-TS-Definicja_s.png, Kobi additional functionality - Tariff simulator: Definition configuration}