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Systemy bilingowe

This function is intended for the proportionate settlement of telecommunication costs (including subscription costs) for calls, lines, codes or cost centers (levels of organizational structure).

This function allows you to divide the actual telephone traffic costs plus the cost of line rental, codes or levels of organizational structure (ex: cost centers).

Costs can be settled proportionally to costs registered by the Kobi system or to the number of lines or organizational levels registered in the system. The system also allows you to add fixed fees.

The invoice amounts are imported from an XLS file that includes the following:

  • The name of the operator;
  • Settlement period;
  • Net value of calls;
  • Net value of subscriptions and other fixed fees;
  • Name of organization structure of extensions;

Within a single settlement it is possible to choose one of the variants:

  • Proportional change in the cost of each call without taking into account the number of lines and levels;
  • Adding fees to an extension or code;
  • Adding charges to the organizational level;

When adding charges to lines or levels, it is also possible to set the mode:

  • Proportional change of amount relative to the number of lines / levels / codes;
  • Proportional change in amount relative to the amount occurring at the line / level / code;
  • Fixed fee for each line / level / code

For each settlement, a set of options is defined depending on the operator for which the payload is made, according to which organizational structure coefficients are calculated the and for what period the cost calculation is performed. According to the billing parameter, the calculated call cost is added to or replaces the current cost of the call.

There may be many independent definitions, the function can work completely automatically.

Sample screenshots: